John Zambri Guitar Studio


One of the best things about playing the guitar is buying a guitar. The guitar itself stands out against other instruments. There are so many styles, colors and features you just don't see in other instruments. Many collectors don't even play. They appreciate the workmanship and the history.

Your instrument should excite you. Is the color important on a guitar? YES!

You should see your guitar and say, that's COOL! I want to PLAY that!

Over the years, I've put together quite an inventory.  I don't say collection, because that implies they do not get played, and are kept away as investments. All of mine get played. Some are for specific purposes or to fit a style of music. Some are just pretty... or weird.

I pride myself on keeping my instruments in top condition, even through many club performances. I will teach you how.

I also love to talk about guitars with students. If you want to learn about a particular type...chances are I have one.

I do not sell guitars, so I can give you purchasing advice without monetary concerns.

  • Basses!


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